rymndhng (repeatedly #(do (coffee) (think) (write)))

Coding Constraints as Design

I am a hopeless romantic as a software craftsman. When I learn a better way to code something that already exists, I tend to go against pragmatism. I would happily spend time ripping through poorly though-out coding design: ripping out interfaces, switching data structures, renaming variables. This continous refinement of process has really helped me develop as a software writer. Over this last year, I’ve accumulated some thoughts from working with various programming languages.

Use the simplest data structures possible.

When working with statically-typed OO languages, we often get stuck with having to object hierarchies for everything. Type-safety is nice to have, but at times the problem is simple enough that adding types to everything does not accomplish very much. So what do we use instead of building specific types for everything?

In contrast, there are three typical data structures developers should be accustomed to:

- Dictionary/Map
- Sets
- Lists

These fundamental data-structures are the building blocks of all systems. They’re also concisely represented. In one scenario, I had to model the steps a user may behave when using our system. I initially thought I should build an Action class with named parameters. Then perhaps I could create a method which will perform an action. That’s a very OO approach, but I thought I could do something simpler. Why not use a list of lists? This is what I came up with instead (with Python).

time_cfgs = [
#   [`tag`,    `start_time`,    `end_time`, `frequency`]
    ["day-1", 1377673200000, 1377759600000, 3],
    ["day-2", 1377673200000, 1377759600000, 5],
    ["day-3", 1377673200000, 1377759600000, 3],
    ["day-4", 1377673200000, 1377759600000, 5],
    ["week",  1377673200000, 1378278000000, 6],
    ["month", 1377673200000, 1380351600000, 8],
    ["day-5", 1377673200000, 1377759600000, 5]

Here I chose a list to represent the work that needed to be done. I can see at a glance all the configuration elements without the visual noise of instantiating classes. Furthermore, I don’t need to worry about the interaction with classes. An list is all that there is.

Another advantage here is clear separation from what it does and how it does it. Arrays are value objects. Very little assumptions need to be made, other than a small definition as comments on the top.

What Something Does Should Be Separated from How It Does it

Regardless of language idioms, application programming can always benefit from good abstractions. An abstraction separates what it does from how it does it. Keep the high level details in the abstraction, and leave the nitty gritty implementation details hidden – but accessible when needed. Three things I’ve found that help with abstraction are:

- interfaces/implementations
- do-around blocks/decoration
- combinators

Interfaces & Implementation is the separation from what it does and how it does it. In Java, this is what interfaces/classes are. The beauty of this is composing implementations together. For example: we have an interface CommentRepository that fetches stored Facebook comments. First, we may store this in a database, so we would implement this interface it DbCommentRepository. Later on, we realize we need to improve performance and so we want to include a caching layer. So, we could implement a cachedCommentRepository that wraps an instance of DbCommentRepository. We were can add new functionality without changing the internals of DbCommentRepository. This is possible because we programmed to the CommentRepository interface.

Do-Around Blocks/Managed Contexts

Inevitably, when writing complex code, there will be components that need to be done before and after a function is called. In functional languages, this is easy because functions are treated as variables and passed around. In languages like Java, this would typically involve alot of copy and pasting. This becomes a maintenance nightmare if the implementation were to change because you need to trust that you remember to copy/paste to all the locations. In Java, you can simulate functions with the Command pattern.

Here’s an example. My main goal is to delete a a comment from a post. Additionally, I need to notify a scheduled task to update both the post by setting their time stamp.

public void deleteGroup(long groupId) {
    Group group = groupRepo.fetch(groupId);
    List<Users> users  = groupRepo.findUsers(group);
    groupRepo.destroy(group                           // delete comment
    for (user : Users) {
        userService.update_timestamp(user)            // for re-indexing

Okay… so imagine this can happen all the time where you’re deleting stuff and realize you need to propagate changes. What if in the future we decide we need to make this happen real-time b/c updating the time stamp is too slow. We want to queue up the work to be done later. If we need this often – refactoring is going to suck. We need to be surgically precise when making these changes. So how does the command pattern help? Let’s introduce what our abstraction would be:

public interface IAction { public void do() }

public class UserService {
    public void withChangeTo(List<User> users, IAction) {
        for (user : users) { this.update_timestamp(user) }

Now we’ve hidden away how the changing mechanism is. All that you need to know is if you are changing a user, wrap it with withChangeTo. Now the implementing deleteGroup method can look like this [using Java 8 Lambdas (shortcut for single-method classes)]

public void deleteGroup(long groupId) {
    Group group = groupRepo.fetch(groupId);
    userService.withChangeTo(groupRepo.findUsers(group)), () -> {

The key fact here is originally, we exposed an implementation detail: updating the index is done by setting the time stamp. What we really should be saying is: re-index these users who are affected. So to wrap it up, the real-time queue would only require changes to UserService which will propagate to all calls to withChangeTo. Neat!

public class UserService {
    public void withChangeTo(List<User> users, IAction) {
        for (user : users) { indexTaskQueue.add(user) }

Now, let’s say we want to add an additional interface – one that is more lazy. Instead of specifying users, we want to only specify a query that describes which users are affected. An example is a query for Group. Our hypothetical query would look like this: The nice thing is now we don’t even need a userService to potentially get users from. We have a representation of where these users come from.

new UserQuery().where("group", groupId);

We can’t run this query after deleting the group because the users will no longer exist. Let’s write a withChangeTo that takes in such a Query.

public UserService() {
    public void withChangeTo(UserQuery query, IAction) {
        List userIds = this.queryForIds(query);

Two things happened.

  1. We decoupled getting concrete users from where these users come from. This UserQuery object can be used to lazily or eagerly fetch users. It may only return ids – it doesn’t really matter. Before, we were tied to getting concrete user classes which may be expensive but unnecessary. Now we don’t have to deal with it.
  2. We have a ‘sandwich’ on IAction.do(). We can’t possibly do this without getting the userIds beforehand because if we do the query after – we no longer know which users were part of the group. Once again, if we had to surgically add this to wherever reindexing is needed, it would be a nightmare.


With the features here, the key takeaway is that we want to write code that is easy to comprehend. I can probalby go on about other facts, but I’ll save it for a part 2.

© 2021 — rymndhng