rymndhng (repeatedly #(do (coffee) (think) (write)))

Open Data Projects

I am currently working on Open Data Projects in my free time.


Scraping tweets & bus estimates, mixing realtime/static data to inform the public about what our busses are doing. In collaboration with @cww9989 and @iambchan.

Link: busfumes.rymndhng.com

FSA Data Visualization

As part of Open Data Day 2014, @louiedinh and I built a visualization of the Foundation Skills & Assessment Scores dataset made available by the Gov’t of BC. We’re making this data available for parents & educators alike.

Link: http://www.rymndhng.com/fsa/

Other Stuff

I have varying levels of experience working on Clojure, Ruby/Rails, Python/Django, Java/Spring, Scala/Play, PHP/CodeIgniter projects.

© 2021 — rymndhng