rymndhng (repeatedly #(do (coffee) (think) (write)))

Documenting a Rails API using swagger

Working in an environment where you may have different backend/frontend developers is really difficult unless your developers are co-located, especially if your frontend developers are unfamiliar with your stack. Let’s say your backend is done with a REST API. How would you communicate the layout to your frontend developers that don’t do Ruby/Rails for example. They speak iOS and Objective-C.

For a rails developer, the simplest we can do is dump rake routes to a file and make that available. But that is not enough. Clearly, if I have exposed a RESTful resource, we know how GET/POST/PUT/DELETE a resource. You still have no idea what the fields are though. Does a user have a name field? Probably. What about something a little more esoteric like dob or country. A bit more documentation would be helpful here wouldn’t it.

I like structure. I’m sure other Programmers like structure as well. We use rake to automate repetitive tasks, and we use capistrano to remote deploy. We should be doing the same thing for documenting our APIs. Hint: there’s a gem for that.

Swagger-Docs (for Rails)

Yes, there’s a gem for that. Check it out here: https://github.com/richhollis/swagger-docs. The format is simple and you stick it inline your controller just like how you document your code.

In fact, I find this much more valuable to document APIs because it explicitly specifies the contract between the backend/frontend developers. Here’s an example taken from the sample documentation.

swagger_api :create do
  summary "Creates a new User"
  param :form, :first_name, :string, :required, "First name"
  param :form, :last_name, :string, :required, "Last name"
  param :form, :email, :string, :required, "Email address"
  response :unauthorized
  response :not_acceptable

The swagger-docs DSL is concise. It benefits the backend developer too because I can’t track of all the params. They’re generally not very explicit.

© 2021 — rymndhng